How can I switch between DPM and LSM mode on PowerPc DualCore SPC56EL/MPC5643L devices ?
Dual processor mode and lockstep mode is configured inside the Shadow Flash.
The actual state could be observed using the SSCM User Option Status Register (UOPS). The mode could be switched using address 0x00FF_FE10 in the Shadow flash. Bit 0x0040_0000 has to be set for LSM and cleared for DPM mode.
For switching mode with UDE® connect to the target using the actual mode. Activate the Shadow flash and clear the Automatic sector erase before program and activate the Simulate Random Access mode option. Open a memory window and go to address 0x00FF_FE10. Change bit 0x0040_0000 and open Memtool and execute program.
After you have disconnected and repowered the target, the new mode will be active.