Triggered Transfer (TTF) support

Triggered Transfer (TTF) with TriCore and XC2000/XE166 microcontrollers uses a feature of these microcontrollers to reach a high polling performance and is only available with these microcontrollers. It allows the transfer of a value of a single memory location via the JTAG debug interface. The transfer is triggered by a debug event of the on-chip debug support (OCDS) unit. Using the UAD2, a sampling period in the range of 1 millisecond (1 ms) is assured for snapshots of the actual content of the instruction pointer in a selectable period during running target program. The recording is done while the target system is in running state.

UDE® TTF Recorder of the Universal Debug Engine uses the Triggered Transfer Feature of Infineon microcontrollers.

Supported Architectures with UDE® Universal Debug Engine (UDE® Debugger)