PXROS-HR from HighTec EDV Systeme is an object oriented real-time operating system for Infineon TriCore™ and AURIX™ and successor of the original real-time micro-kernel PXROS. PXROS-HR is officially safety approved and certified to be used for safety-related applications up to SIL3 (IEC61508) and ASIL-D (ISO 26262). It improves concepts of encapsulation and robustness by using the hardware protection mechanisms (MPU) of TriCore™ and AURIX™.
UDE® Support
With an additional add-on, UDE® provides extended functions for software development of highly reliable and safety critical applications, which are under control of the PXROS-HR real-time operating system.
- Provided as UDE® Add-On and extends a UDE® basic debugger license
- PXROS-HR Add-On consists of the PXROS-HR Support Window that provides a comprehensive and detailed view to information about PXROS-HR operating system objects
- The shown information is directly collected from the target system
- No additional description file necessary
- The information that is shown is updated as soon as the target microcontroller enters the HALT state (e.g. at a breakpoint).
Tracing and Virtualization of Tasks and Sequences
For microcontrollers with trace capability the PXROS-HR support of UDE® offers also visualization of task and function execution sequences ... read more.