Is it possible to automate UDE® by Windows PowerShell?
Yes, because Windows PowerShell can deal with COM objects it can also control UDE®.
Here is a small example which starts UDE®, programs the FLASH with an application, executes the program for 1 seconds and read some variables.
# UDE automation basics - PowerShell demo script # On command line run: "powershell .\UDEAutomationDemo.ps1" # In PowerShell console run: ".\UDEAutomationDemo.ps1" # Note: Don't use expression '$true' together with UDE functions, use 1 instead # Helper function to release COM objects function Release-Ref ($ref) { ([System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject([System.__ComObject]$ref) -gt 0) [System.GC]::Collect() [System.GC]::WaitForPendingFinalizers() } $Progid="UDELauncher" $WspFile = "D:\UdeAutomationDemo\UdeAutomationDemo.wsx" $CfgFile = "D:\UdeAutomationDemo\TriBoard_TC27xB_dap.cfg" $ElfFile = "D:\UdeAutomationDemo\MulticoreDemo.elf" write-output "Create new UDELauncher object ..." $UDELauncher = New-Object -ComObject $ProgId write-output "Start new UDE instance" $UDEApplication = $UDELauncher.StartAndCreateWorkspace("UDEVisualPlatform.exe", $WspFile, $CfgFile, 1) $Output = " UDE version: " + $UDEApplication.VersionInfo write-output $Output write-output "Access workspace" $UDEWorkspace = $UDEApplication.Workspace $Output = " Workspace: " + $UDEWorkspace.ProjectTitle write-output $Output write-output "Access first core debugger" $UDEDebugger = $UDEWorkspace.CoreDebugger(0) write-output "Wait for target connected" while (0 -eq $UDEDebugger.Connected) { $UDEWorkspace.Sleep(100) } write-output "Load target application" $UDEDebugger.LoadAndFlash($ElfFile) write-output "Start target application" $UDEDebugger.Go() write-output "Wait a second" $UDEWorkspace.Sleep(1000) write-output "Read some variables" $Seconds = $UDEDebugger.ReadVariable("g_SharedData.Seconds") $Output = " Time: " + $Seconds write-output $Output write-output "Release objects and close UDE instance" $UDELauncher.StopInstance($UDEApplication) write-output "Release UDE launcher (optional)" Release-Ref($UDELauncher) write-output "Finished"
Please see the UDE Manual, the UDE® Help and UDEAutomation.chm
for more details about automation with UDE®.