Nucleus PLUS for C167, TriCore™, Arm®, PowerPC™

Nucleus PLUS for C167, TriCore™, Arm®, PowerPC™

Nucleus PLUS for C167 or TriCore is a portable, scalable, well-documented and robust Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) for time-critical applications running on C167, TriCore, Arm, PowerPC microcontrollers.

Manufacturer: Mentor Graphics Corp.

Nucleus Product Line

  • Nucleus PLUS Real-Time Kernel
  • Nucleus DBUG+ Task Level Debugger for Nucleus PLUS.


  • Preemptive multitasking
  • Scalable execution times
  • No interrupt locking for task switches
  • Source code included
  • approx. 95% written in ANSI-C
  • Implemented as C library
  • Small kernel code (21-45 kByte)
  • Task execution management
  • Task communication and synchronization management
  • Handling for dynamically allocated memory objects
  • Timer management
  • Opt.: System Level Debugger DBUG+
  • Compiler support: Tasking
  • No royalties on embedded code!

UDE® Support

UDE® supports the "OS-aware" debugging of the Real Time Operating System (RTOS) Nucleus and can show all Nucleus objects with its properties in a plain form. In the summary presentation the Nucleus objects are grouped, in order to give to the user a simple and fast overview.

The basis for the Nucleus add-on form is the UDE® object model, which provides application-referred data such as variables and memory contents. For the transmission of relevant data the default debug communication channel is used. Beside the preferred JTAG communication interface the ASC-, SSC- or CAN- interface can be used too. This solution participates from the advantage, that for the RTOS visualization no dedicated interface must be reserved and this thus can be used without reservation by the user application.