ARTI Support for AUTOSAR Classic Platform

The UDE® AUTOSAR Add-On provides dedicated functions for development and run-time analysis of AUTOSAR compliant software and supports the AUTOSAR runtime interface (ARTI).

ARTI – AUTOSAR Runtime Interface for AUTOSAR Classic Platform

AUTOSAR Classic Platform (AR-CP) is AUTOSAR’s solution for embedded systems with hard real-time and safety constraints.

ARTI defines an interface between build tools and the debug / tracing tool.

The ARTI file (arxml) generated during the build contains all relevant debug information on which the debug tool relies (e.g. existing tasks, runnables, etc.).

The debug / tracing tools can then forward trace information to timing analysis tools. The interface facilitates and accelerates debugging, tracing and verification of system behavior, as well as round-trip engineering.


UDE® provides an additional add-on for AUTOSAR awareness.

  • The UDE® AUTOSAR Add-On consists of the AUTOSAR Support Window.
  • The UDE® AUTOSAR Support Window provides a comprehensive and detailed view to AUTOSAR operating system objects.
  • The shown information is updated as soon as the target device enters the HALT state (e.g. at a breakpoint).
  • Depending on the information provided by the ARXML file, the following classes of information are presented:
    ArtiHook, OSClass, AlarmClass, ContextClass, IsrClass, MessageContainerClass, RessourceClass, StackClass, TaskClass, and CoreClass

Task Trace and Run-Time Analysis of AUTOSAR-Based Systems

For devices with hardware trace, the execution of tasks as well as of runnables can be observed over time and the trace information can be recorded. The trace information is used for visualizing the task execution over time.

  • Trace recording can be configured from inside the AUTOSAR Support Window.
  • UDE® Execution Sequence Chart provides visualization based on ARTI state model (provided by ARXML file)
  • Trace support for task executions, category 2 ISRs and functions.
  • Trace recording is based on ARTI hooks as they are defined in the ARTI standard.

ARTI Trace Hook Generation

The ARTI standard specifies ARTI hook macros to be integrated into AR CP sources and allowing UDE® to trace events and visualize the results. The command line tool UDE® ArtiHookGenerator can be used to create the source files ARTI.c and ARTI.h containing the ARTI hook macros. The UDE® ArtiHookGenerator can be invoked from the AUTOSAR tool chain in order to generate the hook source files during the build process.

Export for 3rd Party Tools

The recorded trace information can be exported as ASAM MDF for further analysis in 3rd party timing analysis tools.

ASAM MDF file format is the standardized format to transfer recorded ARTI trace transitions between different tools.

Vector Timing Bundle

For the Vector AUTOSAR Basic Software MICROSAR a Timing Bundle is available which help to easily integrate an optimal scheduling tracing solution.

The Timing Bundle implement efficiently OS and RTE trace instrumentation for each of measurement tooling to help analyze the runtime behavior in the option TA.Inspection of TA Tool Suite.

The Vector PLS Timing Bundle includes a step-by-step guide to integrating scheduling tracing across the entire tool chain.

The Vector Timing Bundle for UDE® can be downloaded from TA Tools Suite Timing Bundle website.

Supported Architectures with UDE® Universal Debug Engine (UDE® Debugger)